March 20

5 Hidden Benefits of a Visitor Management System

From the simplicity of its user interface to the fantastic first impression it sets, the benefits of an electronic visitor management system are pretty crystal clear. There are some advantages you might not have thought of, though. Here are 5 of the hidden benefits of visitor management systems:

1. Data Compliance

With the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into place on May 25th 2018 data compliance is more important than ever, and a visitor management system is a fantastic way to get your reception ready for GDPR.

If you would like to learn more about the implications of GDPR we’ve put together a detailed GDPR guide in our Road to Compliance whitepaper outlining the steps you can take to prepare for the new regulations.

2. Better Visibility

As visitor information is logged in the visitor management system and a photo ID is captured, it is possible to identify and track individuals in the building.

Because a visitor management system creates a photo ID for each visitor it registers reception staff are able to identify visitors with ease. You can also keep track of ongoing visitor activities and study visitor patterns. Guests also have the option to pre-register, allowing receptionists to be better prepared with information on them when they arrive.

3. Improved Security

Enhanced safety is one of the most important benefits of a visitor management system. It’s vital for any organisation, company or workplace to be aware of everything that goes on within the premises. The ability to identify visitors allows staff to be prepared for any unwanted circumstance. If someone has caused trouble in the past they will be identified quickly. The system also ensures that visitors can only enter authorised areas.

One key benefit of a visitor management system is the ability to quickly access a full list of all staff, visitors and contractors on site for use in an emergency. No need to fumble through enormous paper lists of everyone on the premises, VisiPoint gives you instant access to a full emergency evacuation list.

4. Enhanced Brand Image

The integration of technology within the has become an essential part of a modern working environment. The presence of a visitor management system can give a technologically-minded visitor a positive first impression of the company. Sometimes these features are required to attract the attention of potential customers, who may think more highly of the business. They also ensure everyone on the premises feels secure and anyone who enters the building behaves in a professional manner.

5. Reduced Overheads

One of the primary benefits of a visitor management system is the way in which enhanced productivity and efficiency lead to reduced costs. For example, a visitor management system can eliminate the costs associated with traditional visitor management as there is no need to purchase new paper visitor books badges, thereby reducing recurring costs. A visitor management system increases productivity while also offering a great return on investment by reducing running costs.


While this is not a list of every single one of the benefits of a visitor management system, we hope it has highlighted some of the advantages of implementing a visitor management system in your workplace that you might not have been aware of.


VisiPoint, visitor management system

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