April 5

VisiPoint are Exhibiting at Schools North East Academies Conference 2018


We’re very much looking forward to exhibiting our visitor management system at the Schools North East Academies Conference.

The event is aimed at chief executives, head teachers, finance directors, chairs of trustees, MAT leaders. as well as non-MAT school leaders and governors considering converting to MAT status.

If you’re a head teacher, MAT chair, CEO or trustee looking to enhance you school’s safeguarding? VisiPoint’s GDPR-compliant visitor management solution could be right for you.

When is it?

This year’s conference is on Thursday the 10th May 2018. We’ll be at stand 10 all day showing you everything VisiPoint has to offer.

Where is it, and how do I get there?

It’s at St James’ Park, Newcastle. Located in the centre of the city, St. James’ Park is easily accessible on public transport or on foot. There’s also plenty of parking, which you can find out more about here.

St. James’ Park
Barrack Rd.
Newcastle Upon Tyne

How do I get tickets?

You can find a full list of prices and register for tickets on the official Schools North East site. You can get in touch with Schools North East on 0191 204 8866 or info@schoolsnortheast.com

What will we be exhibiting?

We’ll be showing off our VisiPoint visitor management system, designed to replace old-fashioned visitor books. It also offers staff sign-in and contractor management, giving you the whole picture of what is going on within your school.

VisiPoint streamlines the sign-in process so you can get back to your busy schedule as quickly as possible.

Why should I visit the VisiPoint stand?

If you’re a head teacher or school director it’s likely you’ve thought about automating your visitor management. Here are just a few of the reasons VisiPoint is right for you:

  1. It makes it easier to manage staff, students, visitors and contractors
  2. Data is stored securely in the cloud, making our system fully GDPR compliant
  3. In the event of an emergency you can easily find out who is in the building at that exact time to carry out a roll-call
  4. By keeping track of everyone coming into the school, your school’s security and safeguarding is improved

Want to learn more about why VisiPoint is a great investment for your school? Get in touch today to arrange a consultation.

We can’t wait to see you there!


Newcastle, Schools North East, VisiPoint, visitor management

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