August 2

Why a Visitor Signing In Book Makes a Bad First Impression for Your Business

Why the traditional visitor signing in book makes a bad first impression, and why that’s bad for your business.

Traditionally businesses have relied upon the visitor signing in book to keep track of both staff and visitors. These books or sheets of paper typically record names, time of entry and exit along with other information such as company name and their contact within the organisation. However while these are still commonplace there is increasingly a turn towards visitor management systems that are safer, more accurate and more reliable than paper systems.

These are very real concerns but there is another side to visitor management systems. In the modern world they are a clear sign to both staff and external parties that the company is a forward-thinking organisation that takes its security and data management seriously. If you’re still using a signing book perhaps it’s time to consider these points when it comes to making the right first impression.

First impressions and the visitor signing in book

Paper signing in books or their electronic equivalents are one of the first points of contact that a visitor will have when they arrive at a company’s premises. They may already have a contact from the organisation but if it’s the first time visiting the premises then a number of factors will count towards making a good or bad first impression. Along with the appearance of the reception area and way in which visitors are greeted, the method of signing in is certainly among these factors.


Signing in books or sheets are often what is expected when arriving for the first time at an organisation. For years people have been used to printing and signing their name in a box along with the time and date, and then searching for their name again when it’s time to check out. However in today’s technological society paper signing in books are a clear indicator of failing to keep up with the times.

They are more inconvenient for guests and take longer than an electronic system, which can result in queues and frustration in the reception area. Not only this but sign in books may also require staff to then manually input data into an electronic system, a laborious and unnecessary process. Visitor management systems offer guests a smart, efficient and streamlined process when it comes to both signing in and signing out. Reception staff are freer to focus on their visitors and this is turn makes guests feel welcomed and reassured.

GDPR and the visitor signing in book

Another important point to raise is that of GDPR, as visitors are now required to give consent that their data is stored. This is an awkward and potentially confusing process with a manual signing in method, but with a digital visitor management system it is simply a case of ticking or not ticking a box.

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If you’d like to learn more about GDPR and how a visitor management system makes your organisation more compliant, check out VisiPoint’s Ultimate Guide to GDPR.

Business image

Every contact that a visitor has with an organisation reflects upon that organisation, for better or worse. The method of signing in guests should be viewed as representative of the organisation as it directly influences its business image. So if you want your business to be viewed as a modern, progressive organisation then you need to make sure that every element of your business reflects that, and the visitor signing in book is not unimportant in this regard. Visitor management systems are imperative for creating the right business image, representing qualities such as efficiency, accuracy, reliability and security consciousness.

Security and reliability

In today’s world security concerns are at the forefront of people’s minds. How a company deals with its security and that of its staff and visitors is vital as it reflects upon its professional image. Paper signing in books are prone to errors and inaccuracies as well as missing data. This means they are not necessarily a reliable record of visitors to your organisation, which is in turn a potential security risk. Electronic visitor management systems can capture more data than a manual system, for example using identification documents, and can more quickly determine who is on the premises. This is all great news for organisations and it also contributes towards making a good impression for visitors.

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Digital visitor management systems are simple to learn and use. If you want to make the switch to a VisiPoint visitor management system then contact one of our experts for a consultation today.


visitor management, Visitor sign in book

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