Using Attendance Modes To Gather Reasons For Late Sign-Ins

Table of Contents

Attendance Modes will help you to display reasons your staff have signed in or out, outside of their expected working hours.

For example, this will help you mark down when and why a user arrived late or left early.

Creating an Attendance Mode

To create Attendance Modes, you will need to access your dashboard, then click on User Settings and select Attendance Modes.

You will then be taken to this screen.

Attendance Modes page

Here you can see a grid with all your modes and their details, such as the Working Days the mode will affect. You’ll also see the time your users should have signed in and what time they should sign out.

To create a new mode, click Add at the top of the screen and you will be taken to a new page to create a mode.

Add a new Mode

It is recommended that you give the mode a meaningful name whether it be a shift type or even a reason for late arrival and early departure.

Next, you will select which days this mode will apply to and the time you expect your users to arrive and sign in.

Chosen days your mode will affect

In the Sign in settings, you can set how long after the start time you want the system to register a sign-in as a late arrival. This cannot be set to less than 1 minute.

Sign in settings
Input when a sign-in will be classed as a late arrival

Next, you have the option to also register early sign-outs from the system. This is done by ticking the box and selecting the time frame for the system to register a sign-out. This value cannot be less than 1 minute.

Input when a sign-out will be classed as an early exit

Once you have filled in these details, click Add Mode to add this to the Attendance Modes grid where you can develop it further.

In the grid, you’ll be able to see your new Attendance Mode. You’ll now be able to add Reasons. These will appear for users who sign in or out during the designated timeframe, allowing them to register the appropriate reason for not arriving or leaving at the expected time.

Add a Reason to Your Attendance Mode

If you go to the far right of the Attendance Mode grid you can click on Select Actions and then select Add Reason.

Select which Mode to add reasons to

You will then be taken to this screen which will allow you to create a reason for your Attendance Mode.

Fill in the details of your reason

You will need to name this reason, for example, Public Transport. There is also the option to add more detail in the Presented Reason box however this is not a mandatory field.

Then you must select the Reason Type, either sign in or sign out. This informs the system when to present this Reason to your users. You then need to choose the timeframe that this Reason will be active for users signing in or out.

Complete reason details

Once you have completed these details, click Add Reason. You will then see this within your Attendance Mode as well as the parameters you set.

View the reasons added to your attendance Mode

With this set, when a user signs in late or leaves early at your kiosk, as per the timeframe you set, the system would bring up the reasons you have set for this action at this time. The user will then select the appropriate reason to register their entry or exit.

Assigning Your Attendance Mode to a Journey

Once you have created your Attendance Mode and assigned Reasons, you will need to add it to your Journey’s Flows for it to take effect.

To do this, go to the Journey Builder section on the left-hand side of the dashboard. Then you will need to find the Journey that is assigned to your kiosks.

Next, click on Available Actions and select Edit Flow from the dropdown menu.

You will then be taken into the Journey Flow editor.

Attendance Mode option in the Journey Flow
Journey Flow editor with Attendance Mode option

On the left-hand side, you will see that Attendance Mode is an option.

Note: Your Flow must have User Types which are ” Pre-Registered by Admin” assigned for the Attendance Mode to appear.
To learn how to Create and Edit User Types please see this page

Click into the Attendance Mode selection box and choose the Attendance Mode you wish to add to this Journey Flow.

Add the Attendance Mode to the Flow
Add your Attendance Mode to the Flow

Once you have selected your Attendance Mode, click the plus button to the right of it which will then add it to your Flow. Now click Update Journey Builder at the top of the page to save this change to the Flow and have your Attendance Mode take effect.

You can learn more about how to use the Journey Builder in this help article.

Using Attendance Modes

Now that you have created your Attendance Modes, your staff will need to select a reason you have provided when they attempt to sign in or out outside of their expected hours.

Attendance Modes On The Kiosk

Your staff will just need to tap the relevant reason for their late sign-in or early sign-out when presented with the options on the kiosk screen.

Once a reason has been selected the user will be signed in/out.

Attendance mode reasons shown on a kiosk
Attendance Modes reasons shown on your kiosk

Attendance Modes On The Dashboard

If a user forgets to sign in or out using the kiosk, your admins can access the dashboard to adjust the status of the user manually.

Sign In

To sign a user in, you will start by selecting their profile and clicking the Sign In/Out button. You will then see this screen.

Attendance mode dashboard sign in/out
Sign your users in from here

Select the Sites and Area the user is signing into and complete any compliance checks the location requires when prompted. You will then come to the below screen to assign a reason for the user signing in late.

Attendance mode select late sign in reason on dashboard
Select the reason for your user signing in late

Once completed, you’ll see that the user has been signed in and there is a record of the reason that was given for their late sign-in.

View reasons provided for late sign in
View the reasons given for late sign-ins in the grid

Temporary signing-out

You can also sign users out who have gone to lunch or appointments that may be off-site. You can set the duration for how long they will be away as any amount of time.

Attendance mode on dashboard set duration a user will be out for
Set the duration your user will be off-site for

To do this, locate the user on the dashboard and click the Sign-in/out button.

You will then see the below screen. Here, you will select the Site and Area that the user is in and add any notes.

Sign out your users from the dashboard
Sign out your users from the dashboard

Next, you will select the appropriate reason for signing out, in this scenario the user is going for lunch.

Sign a user out who has gone for lunch
Sign a user out who has left the building for lunch

Once the reason has been selected, click Sign Out and the user will be signed out. If you opted for a duration when signing the user out, then a timer will start behind the scenes. For this scenario, there is a 30-minute duration.

You will now see that the user has been signed out on the dashboard, with the note you included.

See the reasons why your users have signed out early
View reasons for users signing out

Once the user has returned to the building, you can sign them back in. To do this you will click the Sign In/Out button.

A red notification will be displayed if the user has taken longer than the set time duration for their lunch.

You’ll then need to follow the sign-in process that is required for the selected Site and Area to sign this user in. You can also add any necessary notes.

Late return from lunch notification message when signing in
Notification message if a user returns from lunch late

Below you’ll see that the user has successfully signed back in from their lunch break.

See that the users status has been updated

Sign Out

To sign your users out you will need to click the Sign In/Out button for the chosen user.

Next, you will have to select the Site and Area that the user is currently in. If you select a different area, you will instead sign them into that area.

Sign out your users from the dashboard
Sign out your users from the dashboard

You will then need to assign a reason for them signing out early. This will be marked in the Visit History.

Select the reason why your user is signing out early

You can now see that the user has been signed out from the site that they were in.

View the users status update in this grid