August 29

4 Reasons You Need a Visitor Tracking System

Whether you’re a small business or a multinational company, a school or a university, keeping track of visitors is paramount. This is to ensure the security of your building or campus, and to ensure the safety of all. Whether it be staff, students, visitors or contractors. A visitor tracking system allows organisations to take control over who has access to their premise and when. The technology is easy to use for staff, creates a safe working environment and allows administrative tasks to be streamlined. Visitor tracking technology has the added value of intelligent reporting functionality. For example, the HR team can use the system for attendance tracking, eliminating the need for staff time sheets.

To give you a better insight into the technology which is changing how organisations manage their staff and visitors, we take a look at 4 benefits which may change your perspective on using a visitor tracking system.

Enhanced Visibility

Visitor management technology provides an unparalleled level of insight which organisations have never had before using a traditional, paper-based system. Using a visitor management system, you will enjoy full reporting functionalities. A benefit which is invaluable today, as insight from every corner of a business is examined to improve organisational efficiency. These instant reports, available from an intuitive management dashboard, give an extensive overview of who is in, out or expected at the premises. Further to this, these reports are available on mobile devices, meaning your staff can access the reports anytime, anywhere.

Improved Security

Security, without a doubt, is the biggest benefit for many businesses.  This benefit is threefold as it improves the security of your people, assets and data. It enhances the security of people as instant evacuation registers can be called up in a matter of seconds. In the event of an emergency this makes it easier for you to check everyone is accounted for. Also, it negates the threat that improperly documented visitors places on your people. Visitor control solutions can also help reduce the risk of theft taking place. Where theft occurs it can help identify the culprit.  Often commercial theft takes place when people have access to information about a premises, like when a contact has visited the premises in question. Finally, the security of data is a key reason why businesses employ a visitor tracking system. With new GDPR coming into play in 2018, organisations have to ensure the information they hold about people is stored safely and securely.

Furthermore, using keys to access areas can put your site at risk. There is always a chance that copies can easily be made without you knowing. With this technology, existing staff RFID cards are used to sign-in/out, and if cards are lost, you can instantly block and re-distribute a new card where necessary.

Better Control

An intelligent visitor tracking system will allow authorised users to have full control over who has access to specific areas of the building. The system is easily tailored to your specific needs. For example contractors are asked to submit their certification number on the system to gain access to areas which are out of bounds for the average visitor. As visitor ID badges are printed automatically from the tracking terminal, every visitor bears as easily identifiable badge whilst on the premises.

Resource Savings

With a visitor tracking system, you can save on front desk resources. For a business or school this means eliminating the recurring admin costs of visitor books and sign-in sheets. Reception staff maximise the time they spend on critical tasks, as they are not required to constantly manage visitors and deliveries. For a managed office building or business centre, this technology presents the opportunity to operate an e-reception. Without the need to employ reception staff, this can be a pretty big saving. Read more about the verdict on digital vs paper visitor management.

Alongside the reasons above, this technology offers great return on investment and maximises the investment already spent on access systems.

Ready to realise the benefits of this technology? Request a demo of VisiPoint visitor management system or get in touch for more information.


Cyber Security, E-reception, visitor management, Visitor Tracking System

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